The GasFindIR™ is a powerful infrared inspection system featuring a superior high-resolution image based on FLIR's state-of-the-art, third generation, Indium Antimonide (InSb) focal plane array. This innovative sensor delivers images of unmatched sensitivity, contrast, and clarity. The core technology that GasFindIR is built upon is the optimized narrow band-pass cold filter, specifically centered in the spectrum to detect various hydrocarbon gases allowing you to spot volatile organic compound (VOC) gases in small quantities from several feet or larger quantities from hundreds of feet away. Infrared scanning for these gases can be done from moving vehicles, helicopters, planes as needed to cover large areas or pipelines. Fugitive gas emissions have never been easier to find. Digital recording allows you to archive and track problem areas, easily recall and view history and email findings instantly to repair crews or other personnel.
We use this advanced technology in the hands of skilled thermographers to scan hundreds of components a day. Benefits to your facility or organization include a safer environment for personnel, reduced emissions, increased revenue from recovered product, and reduced liability from government/environmental agencies.
Improve safety by removing/reducing LEL levels in your facility. Reduce employee exposure to hazardous environments and products.
Reduce the facility overall environmental impact by reducing emissions.
Reduction in inspection time means you find leaks faster, fix them faster, and reduce the cost of your Method 21 compliance.
Leaking product can add up quickly. How many thousands or millions of dollars are you loosing every year? Let ITI help keep your product in your sales line instead of paying the fines.